Dr Gayle Bennett MD FRCPI

Dr Bennett graduated from UCD with honours in 1999. She completed her internship and Medical SHO scheme at the Mater University Hospital and the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota. During that period, Dr Bennett was awarded Membership of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland. Dr Bennett commenced her specialist training in gastroenterology in 2002, and this brought her to a number of other large Dublin Hospitals, including 3 years at the Mater University Hospital. During that time, Dr Bennett completed multiple research projects including a 2 year MD by thesis entitled ' NET 1 as a potent mediator of Invasive Gastric Cancer: Analysis of the functional effects and differential gene expression events driven by NET1 through establishment of a stable NET1 knockdown model'. This resulted in peer reviewed publications and presentations at national and international meetings. Upon completion of the SpR scheme, Dr Bennett moved to Boston, to work in the prestigious Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre, a Harvard affiliated Hospital. Over the following 2 years, Dr Bennett developed a sub-speciality interest in the area of interventional endoscopy, with particular focus on Endoscopic Ultrasound and ERCP. Dr Bennett has sessional interventional endoscopy sessions in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, primarily in EUS and other therapeutics. Dr Bennett has been practicing at the Mater Private Hospital since 2011
Secretary: Mary
Phone number: (01) 8603965
Mobile number : 0877120622
Email: gbennett@materprivate.ie
Mon to Friday : 9.00am - 1.00pm
Clinic day: Thursday morning
Endoscopy lists: Monday morning, Thursday afternoon
You must have a GP letter or referral letter from another consultant to book an appointment with Dr Bennett